Sunday, March 10, 2013

Daylight Savings Time 2013

We know we need to "spring forward", but why do we change our clocks twice a year?

Switch your clocks ahead tonight — spring forward — daylight saving time will begin 2 a.m. Sunday.
You will lose an hour of sleep, but gain an extra hour of daylight in the evening.

Don't forget to change the batteries in your smoke detectors. There are more than 366,000 home fires every year and more than 2,300 people die in them, according to CPSC’s latest Residential Fire Loss Estimates report.

Is it "daylight savings time" or "daylight saving time"?

The practice of turning the clocks one hour forward to save energy is often called “daylight savings time” however, daylight saving time (DST) is the correct term because it refers to a time for saving daylight. Another correct variation is “daylight-saving time”, which includes use of the hyphen between “daylight” and “saving”.

Who does not observe daylight saving time?

Hawaii, most of Arizona, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam and the Northern Marianas.

Why does daylight savings time start at 2 a.m.?

In the United States, 2 a.m. was originally chosen as the changeover time because it was practical and minimized disruption. Most people were at home and this was the time when the fewest trains were running.

When did daylight savings time begin?

Ben Franklin first suggested shifting the clocks to save on candles, according to Discovery, but no one took him up on his idea at the time. Daylight savings was first implemented during the First World War. After the 1970s energy crisis, daylight savings time expanded.

The Energy Policy Act of 2005 lengthened daylight saving to eight months instead of six months
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Saturday, March 9, 2013

March 11, 2013 - Monday
in English, Tamil, Hindi, Telugu, Kannada & Gujarathi

Month : Magha / Maasi, Paksha : Krishna Paksha
Tithi : Amavasya 01:22 AM (next day)
... Sunrise : 06:32 AM, Sunset : 06:29 PM
Moonrise : 05:47 AM
Star / Nakshatra : Shatabhisha
Yoga : Sadhya 11:08 PM
Solar Zodiac : Kumbha, Lunar Zodiac : Kumbha
Rahukal : 08:01 AM to 09:31 AM
Yamagand : 11:01 AM to 12:30 PM
Durmuhurth : 03:18 PM to 04:05 PM
Varjya : 06:39 PM to 08:18 PM
Amritakal : 04:11 AM (next day) to 05:45 AM (next day)

Month : சாந்த்ரமான மாக, Paksha : சுக்கிரன் அஸ்த
Tithi திதி : அமாவாசை 01:22 AM (next day)
Sunrise சூரியோதயம் : 06:21 AM, Sunset சூரியாஸ்தமனம் : 06:21 PM
Moonrise சந்திரௌதயம் : 05:40 AM
Star நக்ஷத்திரம் : சதயம் 12:21 PM
Yoga யோகம் : ஸாத்ய 11:05 PM
Solar Zodiac சூரியன்ராசி : கும்பம், Lunar Zodiac சந்திரன்ராசி : கும்பம்
Rahukal ராகுகாலம் : 07:53 AM to 09:21 AM
Yamaganda யம கண்டம் : 10:50 AM to 12:19 PM
Durmuhurth துர்முஹுர்த்தம் : 03:09 PM to 03:57 PM
Varjya தியாஜ்யம் : 06:41 PM to 08:18 PM
Amritakal அமிர்தயோகம் : 04:12 AM (next day) to 05:45 AM (next day)

Week : Monday, Month : माघ, Paksha : शुक्र अस्त
Tithi तिथि : अमावस्या 01:22 AM (next day)
Sunrise सूर्योदय : 06:52 AM, Sunset सूर्यास्त : 06:51 PM
Moonrise चन्द्रोदय : 06:14 AM
Star नक्षत्र : शतभिषा 12:19 PM
Yoga योग : साध्य 11:05 PM
Solar Zodiac सूर्य : कुम्भ, Lunar Zodiac चन्द्र : कुम्भ
Rahukala राहुकाल : 08:25 AM to 09:55 AM
Yamaganda यमगन्ड : 11:24 AM to 12:50 PM
Durmuhurth दुर्मुहूर्त : 03:37 PM to 04:26 PM
Varjya वर्ज्य : 06:39 PM to 08:15 PM
Amritakal अम्रुतकाल् : 04:09 AM (next day) to 05:44 AM (next day)

Week వారము : Monday, Month : మాఘ, Paksha : శుక్రమౌఢ్యమి
Tithi తిథి : అమావాస్యా 01:23 AM (next day)
Sunrise సూర్యోదయం : 06:22 AM, Sunset సూర్యాస్తమయం : 06:22 PM
Moonrise చంద్రోదయం : 05:38 AM
Star నక్షత్రం : శతభిషం 12:22 PM
Yogam యోగం : సాధ్య 11:06 PM
Solar Zodiac సూర్యరాశి : కుంభ, Lunar Zodiac చంద్రరాశి : కుంభ
Rahukalam రాహుకాలం : 07:54 AM to 09:20 AM
Yamagandam యమగండం : 10:54 AM to 12:23 PM
Durmuhurtham దుర్ముహూర్తం : 03:11 PM to 03:58 PM
Varjyam వర్జ్యం : 06:41 PM to 08:16 PM
Amritakalamu అమృతకాలం : 04:11 AM (next day) to 05:47 AM (next day)

Week ವರ : Monday, Month : ಮಾಘ, Paksha : ಶುಕ್ರ ಮೌಢ್ಯ
Tithi ತಿಥಿ : ಅಮಾವಾಸ್ಯೆ 01:26 AM (next day)
Sunrise ಸೂರ್ಯೋದಯ : 06:32 AM, Sunset ಸೂರ್ಯಾಸ್ತ : 06:30 PM
Moonrise ಚಂದ್ರೋದಯ : 05:51 AM
Nakshatra ನಕ್ಷತ್ರ : ಶತಭಿಷಾ 12:21 PM
Yoga ಯೋಗ : ಸಾಧ್ಯ 11:06 PM
Solar Zodiac ರವಿರಾಶಿ : ಕುಂಭ, Lunar Zodiac ಚಂದ್ರರಾಶಿ : ಕುಂಭ
Rahukalam ರಾಹುಕಾಲ : 08:04 AM to 09:34 AM
Yamagandam ಯಮಗಂಡ : 11:01 AM to 12:33 PM
Durmuhurtham ದುರ್ಮುಹೂರ್ತ : 03:19 PM to 04:09 PM
Visha ವಿಷ : 06:41 PM to 08:16 PM
Amritkalam ಅಮೃತಕಾಲ : 04:12 AM (next day) to 05:45 AM (next day)

Month : Magha / Maasi, Paksha : Krishna Paksha
Tithi તિથિ : Amavasya 01:22 AM (next day)
Sunrise સૂર્યોદય : 06:32 AM, Sunset સૂર્યાસ્ત : 06:29 PM
Moonrise ચંદ્રોદય : 05:47 AM
Star નક્ષત્ર : Shatabhisha
Yoga યોગ : Sadhya 11:08 PM
Solar Zodiac સૂર્યરાશિ : Kumbha, Lunar Zodiac ચંદ્રરાશિ : Kumbha
Rahukal રાહુકાલ : 08:01 AM to 09:31 AM
Yamagand યમગંડ : 11:01 AM to 12:30 PM
Durmuhurth દુર્મુહુર્ત : 03:18 PM to 04:05 PM
Varjya વર્જ્ય : 06:39 PM to 08:18 PM
Amritakal અમૃતકાલ: 04:11 AM (next day) to 05:45 AM (next day)
Sri Kaallahasthi temple ~ Vaayu Lingam

Srikalahasti temple is a holy place near Tirupati in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh.It is located on the banks of the river Swarnamukhi, a tributary of the river Pennar. Here, Kannappa, one of the 63 Saivite Nayanars, was ready to offer both his eyes to cover blood flowing from the Siva linga before the Lord Siva stopped him and granted mukti.

This temple was constructed in the 12th century by the Chola king, Rajarajendra. Vayu incarnated as Lord Shiva and is worshipped as Kalahasteeswara. This temple`s main idol is the vayu (air) linga.
... The temple is also associated with Rahu and Kethu (of the nine grahams or celestial bodies in the Indian astrological scheme). The river Suvarnamukhi takes the northerly course at Sri Kalahasthi almost washing the west wall of the famous Sri Kalahasthi temple in the Chittor district of Andhra Pradesh.


Sri Kalahasti is named after the staunch devotees of Lord Shiva. They were the Spider (Sri), the Serpent (Kala) and the Elephant (Hasti). Appeased with their unflinching devotion, Lord Shiva gave them a boon that their names be merged with the Vayulinga and called as Sri Kalahasteeswara. Parvati gained Shiva-Gnanam and came to be known as Gnana Prasunamba or Gnana. Cursed to became a ghost Ghanakala prayed at Srikalahasti for 15 years and after chanting Bhairava Mantra many times Lord Shiva restored her original form. Mayura, Chandra and Devendra were also freed from their curses after taking bath in the river Swarnamukhi and prayed at Srikalahasti.

Mahasivaratri is an important festival when lakhs of people offer prayers to seek the blessings of the Lord to attain Mukti. To Bhakta Markandeya, Lord Shiva appeared in Sri Kalahasti and preached that a Guru alone could make esoteric teachings and, therefore he is Brahma, Vishnu and Maheswara.
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Thursday, March 7, 2013

march 7, 1964

MARCH 7, 1964
A 12 year boy ran to the postoffice/telephone exchange to covey message to his elder brother who was at a distance of 30 miles as his father was at dead bed.  The hospital authorities asked the boy to take back his father from the Hospital to home as he was at dying condition. The boy had only one rupee coin. He didnt know what to do and rushed to the telephone exchance to call his brother.  All the 10 telephones at the exchange were occupied by the people.  They were going on talking.  The boy waited at the booth, more than two hours and pleaded his case but failed. Again he rushed to the hospital to see his father but his father died at 12.15 pm..His brother got news at 7.00 pm..........

Moral:  communication should be quick, brief and fast without hindering to others


Sankalpam and its meaning ~ Detailed one . Please read for understanding what we say during Sankalpam

We are always curious to know the meaning of the Sankalpam that we take before the start of a pooja or a ritual. Firstly, we need to know the Hindu Cosmic cycle.

1 Mahayuga = Sum of 4 Yugas(Krita, Treta, Dwapara and Kali) =
4,320,000 years. 1000 such mahayugas comprise a day-time of Brahma also known as a Kalpa. The kalpa is ruled by 14 manus in succession. The reigning period of a manu is onemanvantara which is 71.42 mahayugas.

There is an equivalent night-time of 4,320,000,000 years. The day-night of Brahma together constitutes one Brahma day (8.64 billion years). 360 Brahma days constitute a Brahma year while 360 years represent the lifetime of Brahma which is the life of the cosmos. Doing this simple calculation gives the age of the cosmos to be 311 trillion years.

Carl Sagan, the noted scientist says in relation to this, ""The Hindu religion is the only one of the world's great faiths dedicated to the idea that the Cosmos itself undergoes an immense, indeed an infinite, number of deaths and rebirths. It is the only religion in which the time scales correspond, to those of modern scientific cosmology. Its cycles run from our ordinary day and night to a day and night of Brahma, 8.64 billion years long. Longer than the age of the Earth or the Sun and about half the time since the Big Bang. And there are much longer timescales still."

We are presently in the Sveta-Varaha kalpa in the reigning period of Vaivaswatha - the 7th manu. In this manvantara we are in the 28th mahayuga. As per our Cosmology, Brahma is supposed to have completed 50 Brahma years and is in his51st year. That is why he is called "Parardha-dvaya-jivin"(ie) he lives for two parardhas. A parardha is half.

Two halves make one. He is called so as he has completed one half of his tenure. These terminologies makes better sense in relation to the Sankalpa.

The actual Sankalpa mantraand its meaning runs like this

".... dviteeya parardhe -in the 2nd half of Brhama's life

Svetavaraha kalpe - in the kalpaof Sveta-Varaha

Vaivaswatha manvantare - in thereining period of the current manu


Ashta Vimsati tame - in the 28thmahayuga of the current manavantara

Kaliyuge - in this kali yuga

Prathame Padhe - in the firstquarter of this yuga

Jamboodveepe - this denotes theplace where the ritual is performed. India was known as Jambudveepa

Bharata Varshe, Bharata Kande -in the land of Bharat

Sakhabde Mero, Dakshine Parsve -to the South of the Meru mountain

Asmin Varthamane Vyavaharike -in the current period now reigning

Prabhavadi Shasti SamvatsaranamMadya - among the cycle of 60 years starting from Prabhava

Nama Samvatsare - the name ofthe year in the 60 year Hindu calendar

....Ayane - Dakshinayane (Aadito Marghazi) or Uttarayane (Thai to Aani)

....Ritou - denotes the 6seasons or Ritus - Vasantha, Greeshma, Varsha, Sharadh, Hemantha and Shishira

....Maase - one of the 12 tamil months

....Pakshe - either ShuklaPaksham (day after Amavasya till and including Pournami) or Krishna Paksham(day after Pournami till and including


....Subha Thithou - one of the15 days between Pournami and Amavasya (Prathama, Dvithiya, Trithiya,Chaturthi, Panchami, Shasti, Saptami,

Ashtami, Navami, Dasami,Ekadasi, Dwadashi, Trayodasi, Chaturdasi, Pournami or Amavasya

....Vasara Yuktayam - one of the days of the week (Bhanu, Soma, Bhowma, Soumya, Guru, Brugu and Sthira)

....Nakshatra Yuktayam - the day's star or Nakshatram.

After saying the above the name of the ritual is said. Kanchi Paramachaaryaal says the Sankalpam is a kind of record of what you performed with finer details going down to the dayand location of the ritual. It seems to me the forerunner for a kind of book keeping or a system of maintaining minutes of a meeting.

Sankalpam: Detailed explanation

Let us understand the meaning of the phrases that the Sankalpam is comprised of. To understand the phrases in the Sankalpam we need to understand the concept of the Cosmic Cycle and Cosmic time calculations

Cosmic Cycle

Time, as per Hindu practices, has evolved and revolves around the life cycle of Brahma, the Creator. This is known as the Hindu Cosmic cycle. Cosmic cycles are infinitely recurring periods of the universe, comprising its creation, preservation and dissolution.

Time Calculations

We start by using a calendaryear as the basis. Unless otherwise specified, year shall mean a Calendar Year. One year for humans represents one day for the divine beings. 360 such divine days make one divine year. 12,000 such divine years makes a Mahayuga comprising the 4 yugas of Krita, Treta, Dwapara and Kali yugas.

i.e. each Yuga comprises of thefollowing calendar years:

• Kali yuga 432,000 years

• Dwapara yuga 864.000 years

• Treta yuga 1,296,000 years

• Krita yuga 1,728,000 years.


Total for one Mahayuga (Also called Chatur Yuga) = 4,320,000 years or 4.32 million years.

72 Mahayugas constitutes one 'Manvantara' (i.e.) the life of a Manu, the law giver ( we are in the 28thMahayuga)

14 such Manvantaras make one dayor Kalpa of the Creator Brahma.

2 kalpas = 1 day and night of Brahma ( called Ahoratras )

360 ahoratras = 1 year of Brahma


Half the life span of Brahma, OR 50 Brahma years. We are in the 51st Brahma Year, OR the second or Dwiteya Pararadhe

Two Parardhe : Life span of Brahma ie 100 years

After that, pralaya equal to the duration of 2 parardhas take place, and at its end, a new cycle starts.

Jamboo dveepE
Then , the Sankalpa refers to the geographical position of the place where the ritual is performed. This could be the historical or mythological name of the place. Sri Bhagavatham deals with the geography of the world in a great detail. It divides the world into seven dweepas. India is in Jambu dweepa and America in Krauncha dweepa.

BhArata varshE, Bharata:khaNDE, SakAbde, merO: dakshiNE pArSvE

In the geographical part to the south of the Meru Mountain in the land of Bharata. Meru is the mythological heavenly mountain, and our planet Earth is south of it. Technically , this also means that this particular term merO:

dakshiNE pArSvE would be applicable to all parts of the world.

……naama samvatsarE

Resuming the reference to time,the Sankalpa proceeds further as follows:

Samvatsaram is a Year. Hinducalendar has a 60 year cycle. Next year is Nandhana corresponding to the Year (2012 -2013)

……AyaNE (Ayanam)

As per calendars based on thesolar system the year is divided into two halves in accordance with the movement of the sun, Northwards and Southwards. The former is termed Uttaraayanam and the latter Dakshinaayanam.

Dakshinayanam (6 months) – Aadi to Margazhi

Uttarayanam (6 months) - Thai to AaNi

……Ritou (Rithus)

The year is divided into 6 seasons or RITUS, which correspond to 2 months

each of the Lunar Calendar. These are as follows:

• Chithirai & Vaikasi =Vasantha Rithu (March-April, April-May)

• Aani & Aadi = Greeshama Rithu (May-June, June-July)

• Aavani & Puratasi = Varsha Rithu (July-Aug, Aug-Sep)

• Iypasi & Karthigai =Sharadh Rithu (Sep-Oct, Oct-Nov)

• Markazhi & Thai = Hemantha Rithu (Nov-Dec, Dec-Jan)

• Masi & Panguni = Shishira Rithou (February/March)

……Subha-tithau (Thithis)

These are days of the month calculated from the day after Pournami, till

Amavasya, or vice versa.

Pournami/Amavasya + 1: Prathama

+ 2. Dvithiya

+ 3. Trithiya

+ 4. Chaturthi

+ 5. Panchami

+ 6. Shashti

+ 7. Saptami

+ 8. Ashtami

+ 9. Navami

+ 10. Dasami

+ 11. Ekadasi

+ 12. Dvadashi

+ 13. Trayodasi

+ 14. Chaturdasi

+ 15. PourNami OR Amavasya

……mAsE (Months)

• Chitirai – Mesham April - May

• Vaikasi – Rishabam May – June

• Aani – Mithunam June - July

• Aadi – Kadakam July - August

• Aavani – Simham August - Sep

• Puratasi – Kannya Sep - Oct

• Iypasi – Tulam Oct - Nov

• Karthigai – Virchikam Nov -Dec

• Markazhi = Dhanur Dec - Jan

• Thai – Makaram Jan - Feb

• Masi – Kumbam Feb - March

• Panguni – Meenam March – April

……pakshE (Paksham)

Shukla Pakshe: day after Amavasya till and including Pournami

Krishna Pakshe: day after Pournami till and including Amavasya


……vAsara (days of a week)

• Sunday: Bhanu Vasara;

• Monday: Indu /Soma Vasara;

• Tuesday: Bhowma Vasara;

• Wednesday: Soumya Vasara;

• Thursday: Guru Vasara;

• Friday: Brugu Vasara;

• Saturday: Sthira Vasara

……nakshatra yuktAyAm (Nakshatram)

Aswani/ Aswinee ,

BharaNi/ apabharaNee ,

Kaarthikai/ Krutthikaa ,

ROhiNi/ ROhiNee ,

Mrugaseersham/ Mrugasiras ,

thiruvAdhirai/ AardhrA ,

Punarpoosam / PunarvasU ,

Poosam / Pushyam,

Aayilyam/. AaslEshA ,

Makam / MaghA ,

Pooram/ Poorvabhalgunee ,

Hastham/ HasthA ,

Chittirai/ ChithrA ,

SvAthi / SvAthee ,

VisAkam/ VisAkaa ,

anusham/ anurAdhA ,

KEttai/ JyEshtA ,

Moolam/ Moolaa ,

PoorAdam/ , PoorvAshADaa ,

UttharAdam/ UtthaAshAdaa ,

ThiruvONam/ SravaNam ,

Avittam/ Dhanishtaa ,

Sathayam/ Sathabhishak ,

PorrattAthi/ Poorvabhadhra ,

UttharattAdhi/UthrabhdhrA ,

Revathy/REvathee .


The following is a worked out example of the Sankalpam. This is for Yajur Upakarma for Saturday,16th August, 2008. The Ritual Year was

Sarvadhari,it was Dakshinayane (since it was Adi month) Kataka Mase, the ritual name for the month ofAdi, Shukla Pakshe since it was pournami and paksham would change the nextday, Pourniasyam, the name for Pournami,and since it was Saturday, it was Sthira vaasa. The star of the
day was Sravana.

SrI govinda govindagovinda!

asya SrI-bhagavata:

mahA purushasya

vishNor AgjnayA


aadhya brahmaNa:





prathamE pAdE,

Jamboo dveepE,

BhArata varshE,

Bharata: khaNDE,


merO: dakshiNE pArSvE

asmin vartamAnEvyAvahArikE,

PrabhavAdi shashTi samvatsarANAmmadhyE

Sarvadhaari Naamasamvathsare


greeshma rithou

kataka Maase

Sukhla Pakshe

Pournamaasyaam subhathithou

sthira vaasara

SravaNa Nakshathra



Subha-yOga, Subha-karaNa,

Yevam guNa,-viSeshaNaviSishTAyAm,

asyAm ……AsyAm Subha-tithou,

SrI-Bhagavad-AjnayA, Sri Bhagavat-kainkarya-roopam
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Tuesday, March 5, 2013


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Tuesday, 13 September 2011


Method of Tharpanam

Part Tharpanam

The easy tharpanam method is made up of 2 parts. The first part is what is known as Pitru Tarpanam and the second part is known as Karunya Tharpanam.

What is Pitru Tharpanam?

There are many spiritual debts that each one of us needs to pay every day. One of these is our daily debt to our ancestral beings known as pitrus. To pay off this debt, what we need to do daily is the worship procedure known as pitru tharpanam. This worship procedure is quite easy. You can do it in about 10 minutes or so.

Pitru = one's ancestors.
Tharpanam = to satisfy, to please.
So pitru tharpanam = pleasing one's ancestors.
In the pitru tharpanam procedure, we offer tharpanam to 12 of our most recently departed ancestors. These are our departed ancestors in our parental lines, i.e., departed parents, grandparents, great grandparents and so on.
Departed uncles, grand uncles, aunts, grand aunts and others not in the parental lines are not coverd in the pitru tharpanam process. They are covered in the Karunya Tharpanam process described below.
You can offer tharpanam for more than 12 of your departed ancestors, but that is more advanced and we don't cover that here in this easy tharpanam method.

What is Karunya Tharpanam?

Karunya Tharpanam is the second part of the tharpanam process. It is tharpanam offered to departed relatives, friends, strangers, pets, animals, birds, insects, creatures, plants, trees and other departed beings.
Six things you need for doing Tharpanam

1. A mat to sit on, preferably made of sacred Darbha grass (also known as Kusa grass). A wooden plank or clean cloth made of natural fibers such as cotton or wool can also be used as a mat. 2. A clean plate made of wood, copper, brass or silver. Glass and stainless steel are not appropriate. 3. Clean water in a wood, copper, brass or silver cup that is convenient to hold in your left hand. You may also want to have water in a separate bowl. Glass and stainless steel are not appropriate. 4. Black sesame seeds (ellu in Tamil, til in Hindi). If you are male, use black sesame seeds. If you are female, use white sesame seeds. Why so? The answer is in Sathguru Venkataraman's Siddha writings. 5. Dharba grass (also known as kusa grass and as dharbai). 6. Pavitram made of darbha grass (see image on this page) to be worn on the ring finger of the right hand.
2 Lists You Need to Create

Apart from the above, you also need to create two lists: (i) a list of beings for whom you will be doing the pitru tharpanam ceremony and (ii) a list of beings for whom you will be doing kaarunya tharpanam. You will also need the mantras for pitru and karunya tarpanam. All these are described below.
Creating the List of 12 Most Recently Departed Ancestors

How do you list your 12 most recently departed ancestors? You list them 3 each from 4 ancestral lines as described below.

Paternal male ancestors, i.e., the male ancestors on your father's side. These are:

F (father)

FF (father's father)

FFF (father's father's father)

FFFF (father's father's father's father)

FFFFF (father's father's father's father's father)

and so on.

Pick the 3 most recently departed from this ancestral line and note down the names and the relationships. For example, let us assume that the father(F) and father's father(FF) are alive. In this case, the three most recently departed ancestors in this line will be:EXAMPLE: 3 Most Recently Departed Paternal male ancestors

Which Relationship Name (if known)
1. FFF Murugan
2. FFFF Siva
3. FFFFF -not known-

Paternal female ancestors, i.e., the female ancestors on your father's side. These are:

M (mother)

FM (father's mother)

FFM (father's father's mother)

FFFM (father's father's father's mother)

FFFFM (father's father's father's father's mother)

and so on.

Pick the 3 most recently departed from this ancestral line and note down the names and the relationships. For example, let us assume that the father's mother(FM) and father's father's father's mother(FFFM) are alive. In this case, the three most recently departed ancestors in this line will be:

EXAMPLE: 3 Most Recently Departed Paternal female ancestors
Which Relationship Name (if known)
4. M Saraswati
5. FFM Lakshmi
6. FFFFM -not known-

Maternal male ancestors, i.e., the male ancestors on your mother's side. These are:

MF (mother's father)

MFF (mother's father's father)

MFFF (mother's father's father's father)

MFFFF (mother's father's father's father's father)

MFFFFF (mother's father's father's father's father's father)

and so on.

Pick the 3 most recently departed from this ancestral line and note down the names and the relationships. For example, let us assume that the mother's father's father(MFF) is alive. In this case, the three most recently departed ancestors in this line will be:EXAMPLE: 3 Most Recently Departed Maternal male ancestors

Which Relationship Name (if known)
7. MF Kumar
8. MFFF Gopala
9. MFFFF Narayana

Maternal female ancestors, i.e., the female ancestors on your mother's side. These are:

MM (mother's mother)

MFM (mother's father's mother)

MFFM (mother's father's father's mother)

MFFFM (mother's father's father's father's mother)

MFFFFM (mother's father's father's father's father's mother)

and so on.

Pick the 3 most recently departed from this ancestral line and note down the names and the relationships. For example, let us assume that no one is alive in this ancestral line. In this case, the three most recently departed ancestors in this line will be:EXAMPLE: 3 Most Recently Departed Paternal female ancestors

Which Relationship Name (if known)
10. MM Valli
11 MFM Jyoti
12. MFFM Devi

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Creating the List of Beings for Kaarunya Tharpanam

Having listed the 12 most recently departed ancestors, we should now list the departed souls for whom we should do karunya tharpanam, that is, departed friends, departed relatives (i.e., non-parental relatives), departed mentors and people you liked or respected, strangers, pets, animals, birds, insects, creatures, plants, trees, etc.
Sathguru Venkataraman was emphatic that we should do karunya tharpanam for the grains, vegetables, fruits, herbs and other plant products that we have consumed. For those who consume (or have consumed) meat products, karunya tharpanam is that much more important and they must ceratinly do karunya tharpanam for the animals, birds and other creatures that they have consumed.
EXAMPLE List of Beings for Kaarunya Tarpanam

(1. Beings you have known or whose relationship to you is known)
Relationship Name (if known)
Uncle Ramesh
Best Friend in College Suresh
Algebra Teacher John Smith
Pet Dog Lassie

2. Beings you did not know or who were not connected to you as a relative, friend, mentor, etc.)
Kids who died in the Chennai Tsunami
People who died in 9/11 WTC
People who died in war
All plants, trees, vegetables, grains, etc. that died for the sake of feeding me

(For those who consume meat) All animals, birds and other creatures that died for the sake of feeding me

Mantra to be used for Pitru Tharpanam

as given by Sathguru Venkataraman

What we give below is the simplest mantra for use in the pitru tharpanam process. Actually, there are specific mantras for each of the 12 ancestors. Doing Pitru tharpanam with these 12 specific mantras is highly effective. For these mantras, refer to Sathguru Venkataraman's Siddha writings. Now, here is the easy pitru tharpana mantra.

meyyil vilangum jothi mei unarndha mel neethaar manam kulira vaartha el neer etru manam kulirveer, manam kulirveer, manam kulirveeré

This is the Pitru Tharpana Mantra given by Sathguru Venkataraman from the Neethaar Kadan Padalam (The Debt to Departed Ancestors Section) of the Agasthiar Moola Naadi, the foundational work of the Agasthiar Lineage, as taught to him by his Siddha teacher, Sri La Sri Idiyaappa Eesa Siddha.

AUDIO HELP: Listen to a slow recitation of the Pitru Tharpana mantra. Use this audio help to learn this mantra.
The Pithru tharpana mantra in Tamil and Hindi script below.

Mantra to be used for Karunya Tharpanam
as given by Sathguru Venkataraman

neethaar nedungolam nindra vali neeldhaayam éthaar engolam engulathaar empooram kaathaar kaaranathaar karamevi el pulamé koothaar kuda-perumaal kondaange égidavé moothaar mudham védham mutraai malarndhidavé poothaar punal embum poomaraiyaai poonattum kaarunya aaranya karpoora tharpanamé kaarunya aaranya karpoora tharpanamé kaarunya aaranya karpoora tharpanamé

This is the Kaarunya Tharpana Mantra given by Sathguru Venkataraman from the Neethaar Kadan Padalam (The Debt to Departed Ancestors Section) of the Agasthiar Moola Naadi, the foundational work of the Agasthiar Lineage, as taught to him by his Siddha teacher, Sri La Sri Idiyaappa Eesa Siddha.

AUDIO HELP: Listen to a slow recitation of the Karunya Tharpana mantra. Use this audio help to learn this mantra.
The Kaarunya tharpana mantra in Tamil and Hindi script below.

The Pitru Tarpanam Grid of Dharbha Grass

12 tips for the 12 most recently departed ancestors

The Tharpanam Procedure Itself

Here are the steps for doing tharpanam:1. Light at least two jyoti oil lamps or ghee lamps.
2. Spread the mat and sit facing east.
3. Pray to Lord Ganesh first and then to Lord Surya Narayana who is the Lord of the pitru ancestral beings. Request them to bless the tarpanam pooja that you are about to perform.
4. Place the plate in front of you and arrange the tharpanam grid (made of dharbha grass) as shown above . First place the 3 vertical strips of darbha grass and then the 3 horizontal strips. Each line shown above should have a minimum of 3 darbha grass strips. Since there are 6 lines in total, you need a minimum of 6 x 3 = 18 darbha grass strips.
Now you can see that there are 12 tips in total, 3 at the top, 3 at the bottom, 3 on the right and 3 on the left. The top 3 tips represent the 3 most recently departed male ancestors on the father's side. The bottom 3 tips represent the 3 most recently departed female ancestors on the father's side. The 3 tips on the right represent the 3 most recently departed male ancestors on the mother's side. The 3 tips on the left represent the 3 most recently departed female ancestors on the mother's side.
5. With all your heart, request exalted pitru ancestral beings to be present in this tharpanam grid and accept the humble offerings that you are about to give. Now you are ready to do the actual tharpanam ceremony.
6. This is the step where we actually offer tharpanam for the first departed ancestor on the tip marked 1 in the above diagram. In our example, the first departed ancestor is FFF (father's father's father, i.e., great grandfather) named Murugan. Place a pinch of sesame seeds on your right palm and chant the pitru tarpana mantra given above (meyyil vilangum jothi) and the name of the departed ancestor as follows: "meyyil vilangum jothi... kulirveeré Great Grandfather Murugan svadhaa namas tharpayami, Murugan swadha namas tharpayami, Murugan svada namas tharpayami." As you are chanting the mantra, pour water on the sesame seeds (that are in the palm of your hand) slowly while tilting your hand to the right so that the water and sesame seeds fall on the appropriate tip. The water should flow down through the gap between your right thumb and right index finger as shown in the figure above. Why? Refer to Sathguru Venkataraman's Siddha writings for the reason.

6b. Repeat this 2 more times for the same ancestor on the same tip. In other words, we do this 3 times per ancestor on the appropriate tip.

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7. Now move on to the 2-nd tip and do the tharpanam 3 times on that tip. In this way, repeat this process for all 12 ancestors, i.e., on all 12 tips. 3 times per tip and a total of 12 tips would mean that you make a minimum of 36 tharpanam offerings for your pitru ancestors each time you do tharpanam.

8. Next, do karunya tharpanam for relatives, friends, people you respect, strangers, pets, plants, trees, animals, birds, creatures and insects. Before you do this, pray to Lord Varadaraja of Seshambadi and request His blessings for the beings you are doing karunya tarpanam for. Then chant the "neethaar nedungolam" karunya tharpana mantra given above and the name of the person as follows: "neethaar nedungolam... tharpanamé Friend Suresh svadhaa namas tarpayami, Suresh svadha namas tarpayami, Suresh svada namas tarpayami". As you are chanting the mantra, pour water on the sesame seeds (that are in the palm of your hand) slowly while tilting your hand to the right so that the water and sesame seeds fall in the middle of the grid. Do this 3 times for each person or plant or animal you are doing karunya tharpanam for. Here too, the water should flow down through the gap between your right thumb and right index finger as shown in the figure above.

9. When your tharpanam is complete, remove the pavitram from your ring finger, unroll it and place it on top of the darbha grass used in the tharpanam.

10. Pray to Lord Narayana and the exalted pitrus and prostrate yourself (full body namaskar) towards the southern direction 12 times.

11. Dispose off the sesame seeds, water and darbha grass used in the ceremony respectfully by depositing them into a flowing river or ocean or a large pond or well. An alternate method is to separate the sesame seeds from the water, pour the water alone at the base of sacred trees and feed the sesame seeds to birds. The important thing here is that the sesame seeds should not sprout. Why? Refer to Sathguru Venkataraman's Siddha writings for the answer.

Tharpanam is done only for departed beings, that is, those who have passed on. Tharpanam is not done for those who are alive.If you don't know the name of an ancestor, that is fine. Just state the relationship alone and offer tharpanam for that ancestor.

If you know the gotra lineage of a person, say it just before you mention the relationship, e.g., Sri Vatsa Gotra great grandfather Murugan or Vadhoola Gotra friend Suresh in the examples above. If you do not know the gotram of the person or you do not know what gotram is, just ignore this step.

For those who wear the sacred thread, change it to your right shoulder at the beginning of the tharpanam ceremony and back to the left shoulder at the end of the ceremony. There are special mantras for this step. If you don't wear the sacred thread, ignore this step.
Can one do tharpanam for more than 12 departed ancestors? The answer is yes. But that is a more advanced procedure and we are not going to cover that here.

There are special mantras for each specific ancestor. These special mantras will have their special effect for sure. Consult the Sathguru's books for these special mantras.

Sathguru Venkataraman gave us hundreds of unique tharpanam procedures. Refer to his Siddha writings for this information.

When to do Tharpanam?

Sathguru Venkataraman said that according to Maha Guru Agasthiar, tharpanam should be done at sunrise.
There is a tradition that says that tharpanam should be done at noon. If this is your tradition, please do follow that.

Where to do Tharpanam?

You can do tharpanam right in the comfort of your home.
But it is that much more effective to do it in temples and on the banks of sacred rivers.
If you can do tharpanam in the Pitru Moksha temples and sacred spots, that would be the best. More details in Sathguru Venkataraman's Siddha writings.

Can the son do tharpanam if the father is alive?

The most serious misconception regarding tharpanam is the idea that if the father is alive, the son should not do tharpanam. Sathguru Venkataraman taught that this idea is WRONG. Think of this key point: Are not the departed ancestors of the father the departed ancestors of the son too? Of course, they are. So why should the son not do pitru tharpanam? The son has a pitru debt just as the father does. So it is important to shed this misconception rightaway. The father can do pitru tharpanam and so can the son and the son's son. In fact, if all three do it together, the pitrus will be very pleased!

Can women do tharpanam?

Sathguru Venkataraman also gave us the revolutionary idea (in the 1980s) that women can do pitru tharpanam just as well as men. Think of this key point: If there are no sons in a family, does that mean the ancestors should be starved of tharpanam? The answer is NO. The daughters can certainly do tharpanam.

However, since women generally have a lot more family responsibilities than men, the males in a family should take the lead and do tharpanam and not let that responsibility fall on womenfolk too. But if the husband does not do tharpanam, the wife can make up for it by doing tharpanam. Women who have lost their husbands or who are separated from their husbands can do tharpanam. Women can do karunya tharpanam for those departed souls who cared for them.

Posted by Madhuri Saxena at 04:11

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